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Welcome to the Animal Welfare Office

The Animal Welfare Office is an organization that sees animals as important as humans. Animal deaths are investigated as diligently as human deaths, and the quest to find the perpetrators and bring them to justice is just as important. This office and the work done in it speaks to the sanctity of all life. It places animal and man on par together on this planet, at the same value. Our officers are dedicated to solving crimes for which any single one of us may be guilty. The facts of these cases are presented to you as part of an ongoing investigation. The search for justice will continue. 

Highway 95 Brisco, BC

Our office is currently located in Brisco, British Columbia. Brisco is in the heart of the Columbia River Valley and lies adjascent to Kootenay National Park. there are numerous National Wildlife Areas along the river and the river valley is home to a thriving animal community.

Most of our victims are discovered along the highway system where the speed limit almost never obeyed by traffic. Highway 95 runs from Golden, BC to Radium Hot Springs. Highway 93 runs east to west from Radium Hot Springs and ends at Castle Junction on the Transcanada, Highway #1. From Radium Hot Springs south to Cranbrook the highway is known as Highway 93/95.


Poaching is an ongoing problem. With the financial hardships of a recession hitting lower income families hardest, we are searching for ways to prevent the uneccessary harvest of animals outside the legal open seasons.  Hunters, guides, the rod and gun club, and local butchers are working in conjunction with the local food bank to provide quality wild meats to those who might otherwise resort to poaching to feed their families. If you would like more information on this program or to donate a portion of your LEGAL kill please contact us.



Galen inspects the skull of a bull elk likely poached for meat. The skull and rack left in the bush makes it an unlikely trophy kill. The reamins were found just off the Spillimacheen FSR.